The last time i passed the annual ,,beforechristmastryingperfumes“ meeting with my best friend, I realised, how much perfumes I want to buy before I die!
In addition we discovered we have absolutely different taste. To the question: ,,what damn you actually like?!“ I answered: ,,that´s long story..I will explain another time, in writing“. Maybe could be interesting also for you and I´m always very happy to receive some recommendations, some new fragrances i really cannot live without. Even if I have really a lot of perfumes, there is always time for the new one, don´t you think so? I love all my perfumes but if I should choose the best, here is my TOP 5 favorites fragrances (the ranking is indicative because I really cannot decide!):
In addition we discovered we have absolutely different taste. To the question: ,,what damn you actually like?!“ I answered: ,,that´s long story..I will explain another time, in writing“. Maybe could be interesting also for you and I´m always very happy to receive some recommendations, some new fragrances i really cannot live without. Even if I have really a lot of perfumes, there is always time for the new one, don´t you think so? I love all my perfumes but if I should choose the best, here is my TOP 5 favorites fragrances (the ranking is indicative because I really cannot decide!):
A navyše sme zistili, že máme absolútne rozdielny vkus. Na otázku ,,čo sa tebe vôbec sakra páči“, som odpovedala ,,to je nadlho, vysvetlím ti inokedy písomne“. Možno to bude zaujímať aj niekoho z Vás a najmä som vždy rada, ak mi niekto poradí niečo, bez čoho určite nemôžem žiť. Aj keď ja fakt dúfam v to, že toho nebude veľa lebo mám naozaj strašne strašne veľa parfémov a každý jeden zbožňujem. Ale keď musím tak musím a tak teda, mojich TOP 5 najobľúbenejších vôní všetkých čias (rebríček je iba orientačný, skutočné poradie medzi nimi neexistuje):
1. Boucheron – Miss Boucheron
My absolutely favourite perfume. It´s elegant enough to apply before the ball but at the same time fresh enouhg to use it for working day (I don´t know that much about the work but I guess you couldnt be wrong with this one!) P.S. This fragrance grapefruit essences what meant it makes you look 10 years younger! Ok, in that case i would seem something over 10 years old so it´s not that good.. but you know what I mean!
2. Yves Saint Laurent – Young sexy lovely
Who would ever think there is name of the perfume soo suitable for your personality! Ok but now serious. It´s probably really the best perfume I have ever had. It´s elegant, fresh, sexy, young.. And from YSL, what speaks for the quality (at least for me).
This perfume you probably know very well.. But anyway, It´s one of those, which you can recognize from the 20 miles distance. I don´t know if it´s good or bad, anyway I don´t like the fact that really like every second woman wears it.
P.S. Have you ever noticed that this fragrance women LOVE but men HATE? Or at least don´t like that much? (based on my personal research)
4. Lanvin – Rumeur 2 rose
I love fragrances contains roses. This one is really great because apart roses contains lemon grass and that makes it even more fresh. You definitely have to try this one!
5. L´occitane – Roses 4 reines
For those who know this brand is really not necessary to say how much great it is. I absolutely love those packs and ,,provence“ labels but even more i love all products they make. Each one smells like touch of pure nature. Also this flacon is absolutely great! Apart roses contains something more but i really don´t know, what.. It´s beautiful soft fragrance. And! The best is they have the same fragrance as home perfume with that ,,puff“ stuff, if you know what i mean.. So you can feel your favourite essence all around the house!
1. Boucheron – Miss Boucheron
Moja úplne najoblúbenejšia vôňa (všimnite si, že to hovorím o každej). Je dostatočne elegantná aby ste si ju vzali na ples, ale zároveň dosť ľahká na to, aby ste ju používali do práce. Teda ja o tom hovby viem lebo som nikdy nepracovala (haha) ale ak raz budem, určite ju budem používať aj tam. P.S. Táto vôňa obsahuje aj grapefruit, čo znamená, že omladzuje o 10 rokov! (toto nemám z vlastnej hlavy)
2. Yves Saint Laurent – Young sexy lovely
Kto by to bol povedal, že Vás názov parfému bude tak vystihovať! Ale teraz vážne. Pre mňa tá najdokonalejšia vôňa na svete. Neviem ju ani popísať, je svieža, elegantná, sexy, mladistvá.. A je od YSL, čo je zárukou kvality.
3. Chloé
O tejto vôni asi veľa netreba. Je to jedna z tých, ktorú spoznáte z 20 km. Neviem, či je to výhoda alebo nie, avšak na tejto vôni mi trochu prekáža, že ju má naozaj už asi polovica populácie. A to je pre mňa mínus.
P.S. Všimli ste si, že túto vôňu všetky ženy milujú ale muži ju veľmi nemusia? To je môj osobný výskum.
4. Lanvin – Rumeur 2 rose
Milujem všetky vône od LANVIN ale táto jedna si ma úplne získala. Okrem toho, že obsahuje ruže, čo ja teda veľmi môžem, je aj veľmi svieža vďaka citrónovej tráve. Skrátka skvelá.
5. L´occitane – Roses 4 reines
Kto pozná túto značku, tomu netreba vysvetľovať, aká je skvelá. Najviac sa mi páčia ich ,,provence“ obaly a etikety. A samozrejme vôňa akéhokoľvek produktu mi podlamuje kolená! Ale táto toaletná voda obzvlášť. Obsahuje čistý výťažok z ruží plus niečo navyše, čo ale fakt neviem, čo je. Aj ten flakón mi veľmi zapadá do interiéru, čomu sa veľmi teším...a najväčšie plus je, že vyrábajú aj bytový parfém tejto istej vôňe s takým tým pufkáčikom, ktorý som zakomponovala do listu Ježišovi. Foto doložím.
And now.. TOP 5 fragrances from my WISHLIST:
1. Chanel – Chance eau fraiche (I already have it once and I have lost it! Bad bad I want to buy it once again because it´s just personified freshness!!)
2. Guerlain – La petite robe noir (you know that feeling when you think hmm this bottle is too cute to be good.. and actually IT IS!)
3. Mont blanc – Legend (I have never tried something from Mont blanc before but I really felt in love with this one!)
4. Lancome – Trésor (similar story as Guerlain.. when i saw the advertisement for the first time with that cute dress, cute bottle and cute hot guy.. i wanted to have it ASAP.. then I tried it and I wanted to have it even sooner!)
5. Issey Miyake – Pleats please (from Issey I have some fragrances so I wasn´t surprised I like also this one.. the problem is that in my country you cannot find it very easily)
A teraz ďalších 5 vôní, ktoré mám v záujme v najbližšej dobe si zadovážiť:
1. Chanel chance eau fraiche (už som ju raz mala ale som ju stratila!!! Zlá zlá zlá illa.. odvtedy som sa k nej nedostala ale vrelo odporúčam)
2. Guerlain – La petite robe noir (poznáte to, keď sa pozriete na flakón a pomyslíte si, že je príliš rozkošný na to, aby bola vôňa dobrá a zrazu JE!)
3. Mont blanc – Legend (od tejto značky som predtým nikdy nič neskúšala ale hneď prvá sa stala mojou obľúbenou)
4.Lancome – Trésor (podobný prípad ako guerlain, videla som tú super reklamu s tými super šatami a už som ju aj chcela mať.. ale potom som ju vyskúšala a už som ju fakt chcela hneď mať)
5. Issey Myiake – Pleats please (od Issey už pár vôní mám a všetky sú skvelé.. problém je ten, že ju nedostať hocikde)
Soo I shared with you my personal taste.. now please criticise, share,
give me some advices about your favourites or your christmas WISHLISTS!
This time I´m really curious !
Tak som sa s Vami podelila o môj ňuchový vkus.. teraz je rad na Vás, raďte, kritizujte, odporúčajte.. a tiež sa zverte mne so svojou obľúbenou vôňou!
really lovely perfume review, I love that chanel perfume above and I also want DOT by marc jacobs!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťCheck out my new post on contemporary designs by VVHATIF :)
RASSP blog
thanks!! :)
OdstrániťI don´t know DOT but surely I will try it soon! It´s that one in the bottle like lollipop with the flower?
I love Chloè!
I have so many perfumes that I love as well, but my issue is.. I forget to wear them! I usually leave the house in a hurry and I forget to spray myself with any of them!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťMerry Christmas!
i love the floe perfume i use it too it s too delicious ;)
Chloe is such a great fragrance.
great post! would you like to follow eachother?
Tento komentár bol odstránený autorom.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťL´occitane milujem :) ale parfem som od nich este neksusala.
Odstrániťneuveris ale minule som hladala Tvoj blog ale nevedela som ho naaajst.. :)
urcite skus parfemy od nich! na vianoce som dostala tiez pivonkovy.. a je supersky :))
a ak si ho objednas cez eshop, dostanes darcek! (to som ja samozrejme zistila az neskoro)
ale este mam v plane s l´occitane velke veci! :D tak snad ho poslu aj mne :)
You chose some great perfumes there! I really like your blog though! I'm glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits and personal style etc! I wanted to wish you a happy holidays too! :) :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťRaindrops of Sapphire
Great post!!!! I need to buy some perfume urgently and some of them I don't know yet so thanks a lot for all the informations:)
these are all delicious! need to get me the ones I do not have yet
Hello dear, Your blog really awesome! Love it! <3
OdpovedaťOdstrániťBtw, wanna follow each other via GFC? Let me know ;)
Hi !
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI just discovered your blog and it is a real surprise !
It is really good and I love your looks :)
haven't tried most of the fragrances here, would love to try them out next time when I'm at the department store!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťCheck out my outfit post featuring Breaking Rocks Clothing :)
RASSP blog
Wow thanks for sharing this! I'll definitely try some of them out :)
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