One thing that makes me incredibly angry, is trying to sell me some FAKE. This sad story started when I have received the perfect offer in my mail box ,,Buy CHLOÉ now for only 39,99 e for 75 ml". Since I love this fragrance, I told to myself: ,,Ok, I didn´t finish the old one yet but one never knows, surely I will need the new one soon!" In 2 days the little package arrived and I was really excited. ,,Hmm, the box seems original.." Then I opened the box and I thought: ,,hmm, that perfume is a bit lightly colored but ok, my old one is really old so maybe it just changed". But when I finally squirt the perfume on my left wrist, everything was clear.. IT´S FAKE! ooo my gosh, I was angry as never! And then, later on, I realised, there are some really little differences,so you can recognize the FAKE and the REAL one even without trying.
Since I believe there are more people like me, which hate to be abused and not everyone has the real one on the table, like me so they can compare, I believe my advices will help you to avoid similar experiences.
Jedna vec, ktorá ma dokáže neskutočne vytočiť, je, keď sa mi niekto namiesto originálu snaží predať FAKE. Druhá vec, ktorá ma dokáže neskutočne vytočiť je, keď sa to niekomu aj podarí..
Ako napríklad jednému zľavovému serveru, odkiaľ som dostala mail s touto neuveriteľnou ponukou.. ,,Kúpte si Chloé edp 75 ml iba za 39,99 e!" (ktorá sa mi nezdala až taká neuveriteľná - nakoľko poznám výrobnú cenu parfumov). Tak som si povedala, že za pokus nič nedám.. FACKU, ILLA! Dopadlo to nasledovne.. chvalabohu, že môjmu bystrému očku nič neujde!
Nakoľko viem, že pre niektoré z Vás môže byť odlíšenie originálu od napodobeniny nie úplne jednoduché (najmä pokiaľ nemáte originál poruke), ponúkam Vám niekoľko rád, ako sa vyhnúť problémom a rozlíšiť fejk od originálu, či naopak.
Here are some advices:
Tu sú moje rady: